Developer • Designer

hey, i'm cass

I live to design and develop.

I began my journey as a self-taught software engineer 4 years ago, writing my own app. After discovering my passion for development, I decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science and am expected to graduate by the end of the year. I enjoy the bridge between engineering and design. I'm confident in my skills, naturally curious, and perpetually striving to improve my dev chops.

iOS Developer

Swift is my favorite language. It's easy to read and deceptively powerful.

Libraries & Frameworks

UIKit, Core Data, Core Animation, SwiftUI, Lottie, Firebase, MLKit, SwiftLint


Work Experience, Swift By Sundell, Hacking with Swift, Ray Wenderlich

Android Developer

The freedom and innovation the Android platform brings to its users is inspiring.

Libraries & Frameworks

Room, Retrofit, Hilt, XML, Jetpack Compose, Lottie, MLKit


Fragmented, Coding With Mitch, Ray Wenderlich, Medium

Fullstack Developer

Developing from front to back is enlightening.

Languages, Libraries, & Frameworks

Typescript, React, Express, Axios, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, CSS, HTML, Styled Components, Tailwind


freeCodeCamp, React Roundup, Stack Overflow, Medium

My Tool Belt

  • XCode
  • Android Studio
  • VSCode
  • Postman
  • Git CLI
  • Bash
  • Vim Motions
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira
  • Jenkins
  • Vercel
  • Netlify
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • Figma
  • After Effects
  • XCode
  • Android Studio
  • VSCode
  • Postman
  • Git CLI
  • Bash
  • Vim Motions
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira
  • Jenkins
  • Vercel
  • Netlify
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • Figma
  • After Effects
  • XCode
  • Android Studio
  • VSCode
  • Postman
  • Git CLI
  • Bash
  • Vim Motions
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira
  • Jenkins
  • Vercel
  • Netlify
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • Figma
  • After Effects
  • XCode
  • Android Studio
  • VSCode
  • Postman
  • Git CLI
  • Bash
  • Vim Motions
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira
  • Jenkins
  • Vercel
  • Netlify
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • Figma
  • After Effects


Intern iOS Developer

September, 2021 - Present

  • Interacted daily with a mobile development team to fix bugs and help deliver new features efficiently according to a product road map.
  • Developed and shipped a QR code scanning feature, allowing users to seamlessly send and receive money through Zelle.
  • Spearheaded a 3 year in-progress epic to convert every API request in app from using a legacy API to a more modernized implementation.
  • Created a reusable UI component for the Plaid onboarding experience, utilizing Apple’s core animation framework.
  • Developed new unit tests consistently for API endpoint integrations and new features.


Cherryseed is a pour over tool for specialty coffee enthusiasts. Users can upload & view recipes created by the community for various brewing methods. CherrySeed simplifies the process of brewing coffee and makes it easy to share recipes across platforms.

CherrySeed iOS

September, 2020 - August, 2022

In Production

The iOS client was fun to work on. I had the freedom to experiment with many different frameworks and architectures. It was interesting working with Apple's core APIs for UIs and animations. Writing a maintainable and testable client-side network layer was challenging, but also very fulfilling.

The biggest learning curves for me with this project was learning to how to use functional, event-driven frameworks like RxSwift and Combine, as well as working with Core Data. Having come from a SQLite wrapper, Core Data was a lot to wrap my head around, but I managed to write persistent object models for everything that the app needed. Learning not to fight the frameworks to work the way you expect them to helped me a lot.